Architecture and Landscape
Marco De Giovannini - MARCO LLC

We are an innovative architecture and integrated design practice and we provide high quality contemporary design as a client focused service.
We focus on research, diversity, innovation and sustainability with imagination and artistic approach, shaping and sculpting our ideas into significant objects.

Our Team
"Great performance can never come without great people and culture, and the opposite is also true – great people and culture are affiliated most with high-performing organizations. We can argue over which drives the other. But there is one undeniable truth: [...] the key differentiators are the team, their purpose, and their culture. The team is the company’s raw DNA, the purpose their religion, and culture their unique way of operating based on common principles, norms, and values." (Harvard Business Review - Anthony K. Tjan)
Our projects are delivered in full BIM and we keep a constant control over cost, time and quality through process integration.
Our team, lead by Marco De Giovannini, is flexible and adjusts to the specific needs of each single project.
Our Work
MASTER PLANNING, ARCHITECTURE, INTERIOR DESIGN, LANDSCAPE DESIGN ...and we do it with passion and dedication with a pragmatic approach that does not exclude creativity but quietly allows us to go through the largest projects. We think architecture is a personal and individual definition of the spaces through volumes and voids commonly qualified by the aesthetic view of the multitude. Architecture is not a dream but is indeed generated in the oneiric space of our minds and through a specific path of research can lead to the object we all can see, that surrounds us in every aspects of our lives. The context, defined by its specific sociological, economical, urbanistic and morphological aspects matters as the background color of a page and we want to write architecture with creativity, contrasts and elegance, exalting the quality of our lives. So we contextualize every design in its own larger environment. We always start defining "the concept" in order to give solidity to our ideas. Then we evaluate and disprove our minds into a debate that generates the initial sketch as the first step of the design process. We focus on research, diversity, innovation and sustainability with imagination and artistic approach, shaping and sculpting our ideas into significant objects.
UBH Center, Peace Avenue - 173 Sukhbaatar District Ulaanbaatar - Mongolia
phone: +976.9411 9986